President ad interim, to da bi the best

Deci, ca sa zic asa, avem un discurs de presedinte interimar.
Trebuie ascultat doar si citit textul, ca nu iti vine sa crezi cum s-a putut prezenta asa la o intalnire super importanta, fara vreun discurs pregatit, vorbind liber.. poate prea liber. A fost un fel de proba speciala la "Romanii au Talent" si nu sunt destule 3 X-uri sa opreasca minunea presidentiala. Poate a fost bolnav translatorul si saracul presedinte interimar a trebuit sa se descurce. Hai sa dam vina pe translator.
Distractie placuta si ..... vai de capul nostru.

"Hello nice to see you again.
Nice to meet you! For the new new comers, for me.
I’mmmm ăăăă sure you know everything about ăăăă economical size of this ăăăă relations with government; here have the finance minister, is ăăăă father and mother of %$&%$£
I’m ăăăă acting president, president ad interim, ăăăă ringring special political situation, ăăăă I’d think we we can speak about political crisis, but my ăăăă first statement is this political crisis, ăăăă don’t influence, don’t influence the negotiations with the IMF yeah and World Bank because the government has ăăăă program political program, has ăăăă engagements, has ăăăă vision, and the political crisis who I hope at the end of the month is finish don’t influence, don’t ăăăă affect this discussions. And secondly the Romanian constitution ăăăă give to the president representative and political role. The president is not the head of the government."

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